Experiencing Advent

Today marks the first day of Advent, a season in the Christian calendar that focuses on Christ’s birth. It is a season of expectancy and waiting, and it is an invitation for Christ to be just as present with us as he was at his birth 2000 years ago. It is also a season of hope, of looking toward the return of Christ and the new life to come.

On the first Sunday of Advent, the focus is on acknowledging his coming and waiting expectantly. We remind ourselves of the purpose of this Christmas season, and we intentionally draw near to Jesus.

Carlo Carretto in The God Who Comes, wrote, “To have found God, to have experienced him in the intimacy of our being, to have lived even for one hour in the fire of his Trinity and the bliss of his Unity clearly makes us say: “Now I understand. You alone are enough for me.”[1]

Pause for a moment and reflect upon that last line: “You alone are enough for me.” Take some time to allow the depth and meaning of that statement to sink in.

Now take a minute to pray these words or others that come to your heart and mind:

“You, God, Abba Father, are enough for me in whatever season I am in. May I find you in the busyness and in the rest, in the joy and in the fear and loneliness, in the peace and in the chaos of this season. Amen.”

“Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel” (Isaiah 7:14, NIV).

[1] Shawchuck, Norman, and Rueben Philip Job. A Guide to Prayer for Ministers and Other Servants. Nashville: Upper Room Books, 1983.


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Reflection: Pondering the Work of God