“Full participation in the life of God’s Kingdom and in the vivid companionship of Christ comes to us only through appropriate exercise in the disciplines for life in the spirit.” (Dallas Willard).

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Live Zoom classes provide a way to participate in a live group setting and engage in ongoing learning with others on topics such as “How to Study the Bible so That it Actually Makes Sense,” “Spiritual Abuse,” “The Stages of Faith,” “Nehemiah on Leadership,” and “The Life and Teaching of Jesus.”

Stages of Faith (Coming Soon)

The six stages of faith, originally defined by Christian psychologist James Fowler, have been a helpful guide to understanding the process of spiritual growth. These six faith stages provide a helpful roadmap on our spiritual journey, especially in areas where we feel stuck, stagnant, or experiencing a faith crisis. In this six week course, you will learn each of the six stages, how to identify where you are at in the faith stages, how to manage crisis experiences, and how to move on to the next stage of spiritual growth.