How We Grow

Leveraging Three Reasons People Change for Spiritual Growth

Leadership expert John Maxwell says that people change when they learn enough that they want to, receive enough that they are able to, or hurt enough that they have to.

This saying by Maxwell is a powerful thought showing three underlying motivators for change in our lives. Change is never easy, even small changes, because humans are creatures of habit. While some of us like change more than others, we all struggle to change in the ways we need to the most.

So how can we use these three motivators towards our own spiritual change and growth?

  1. Learn enough that we want to. The more we expose ourselves to new ideas the more potential there is for growth. In reading this blog you are intentionally seeking out new information that can be an impetus for your spiritual transformation. The more we learn, the more potential we have to grow because we want to.

    What have you learned recently that can help you grow spiritually?

  2. Receive enough that we are able to. Change cannot happen without the means to do so. The great theologian Dallas Willard talked about spiritual formation using the acronym V.I.M., which stands for “Vision, Intention, and Means.” We obtain a vision for who Jesus is and the person he has called us to be, we intentionally seek to follow him, and we have the means to do so. The means and the ability to change is necessary in order to achieve growth. In spiritual formation, the means to grow comes though utilizing effective spiritual disciplines and practices that help us to live out the Christian life.

    What have you received or what spiritual discipline have you learned enough about that you are able to put it into practice?

  3. Hurt enough that we have to. Some change comes about because the pain of staying the same is too much and we must change. This may come as a result of finally facing the consequences of our own choices and mistakes or suffering from someone else’s actions. Either way, the pain will not cease until we change and change in real and specific ways.

    What pain are you currently experiencing that needs to be addressed through spiritual formation?

Finally, another of John Maxwell’s sayings is important here lest we think that a momentary change or decision to change is all that is required. He says that change happens in a moment, but growth takes a lifetime. Our decision to change for whatever reason is just a pivot point, a motivation toward growth. We have to make the decision daily to stay on that path towards growth.

Which of these three reasons is compelling you to make necessary changes in your spiritual growth? Which one can you leverage right now to make important changes toward Christ’s transformation in your life?

Let us know how we can support and encourage you on your spiritual formation journey!


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