Why Spiritual Formation Coaching?

What is Spiritual Formation Coaching? To sum it up in two words: Soul Care. The purpose of spiritual directors, pastoral counselors, and spiritual formation coaches are to care for people’s souls.

Soul Care is an ancient practice that has long been part of the care provided by pastors and priests throughout church history. The term “pastor” means “shepherd,” which is the primary purpose of the role of the pastor. Spiritual directors, who originate out of the Catholic Christian tradition, have long provided spiritual guidance and support for individuals as they journey together to discover God’s purpose and plan for each person’s life. Today, there exist spiritual directors for many different religions as people of all faiths desire healing and care for their souls whatever their profession of faith.

Unfortunately, in our current post-pandemic world where Christian pastors are struggling to keep their churches functioning, the care of souls has been neglected. Mental health professionals, who are needed and play an important role in helping people struggling with mental illness, may be limited in their ability to care for the individual or simply overwhelmed in today’s climate where people are hurting, lost, and without a sense of purpose or connection to God.

A spiritual formation coach is one who comes alongside others in their spiritual journey and offers the ministry of presence as Jesus did. So much of caring for the soul is simply being present with people, inviting the Holy Spirit into each moment to encourage healing and wholeness in a person’s soul. Soul care is at the heart of spiritual formation coaching, providing support, care, and offering guidance and direction as needed to each person on his or her journey with Jesus.

It is through the ministry of presence, the love and care that we provide to others, that we live out the incarnational ministry of Jesus that he has called us to as followers of him. We express the love of God to others, living out of the love of God in us. Spiritual formation coaching offers that hope and support to others, and I would invite you to seek it out in your journey with Christ.

To learn more about this Spiritual Formation Coaching service click here.


Spiritual Growth in a Post-Pandemic World


Spiritual Formation: How to Begin